Is mediation less costly than litigation?

The average cost of a litigated divorce in New York State is almost $30,000. We offer a flat fee service with no surprise charges or additional hours tacked on. This eliminates any guessing game of how much it will cost in the end and turns out to be less expensive than other mediators billing by the hour. However, there will be additional expenses for legal fees and filing fees that will be part of any mediation process, regardless of the mediation service.

Is mediation private and confidential?

Yes, mediation features an open forum setting to review options, consider alternatives and develop solutions without the worry that what you say can be used against you in litigation. All of the discussions held in our sessions are informal, neutral and completely private and confidential. Mediation features an open forum setting to review options, consider alternatives and develop solutions without the worry that what you say can be used against you in litigation.

Can we maintain control in the process and direction of our lives?

Yes. You will be able to maintain control in the process and direction of your lives with mediation. We work with both parties in coming to mutual agreements on all issues regarding your settlement.

Is mediation less stressful than using attorneys?

Yes, mediation offers both parties the ability and opportunity to constructively communicate in a focused and respectfully controlled environment. Agreements reached during mediation move through the court approval process much faster without the need to ever set foot into a courtroom. You can exercise control over the decisions made. You know what is best for you and your children, you should have a hand in deciding that.

What does a mediator do?

Without taking sides, a divorce mediator works with you and your partner to negotiate a settlement that is in the best interest of you and your family. The role of the mediator is to help you to explore your options in a fair and impartial environment. The mediator will draft an agreement for both parties, outlining a parenting plan, equitable distribution of assets, child support, spousal maintenance/alimony and more.

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