How to have an amicable divorce

How to have an amicable divorce

Are you considering a divorce but dread the thought of an acrimonious split? You’re not alone. Many couples who come to the decision to end their marriage want to do so peacefully. Here are some tips on how to have an amicable divorce.

Hire a mediator who specializes in divorce to help you navigate the process

Divorce can be a daunting and overwhelming process for anyone going through it. It is always a good idea to have a mediator who specializes in divorce law by your side. A mediator will know the law regulations better than any individual, and save you from making costly “rookie” mistakes. Mediation is often the most cost-effective path to take. Mediation ensures both parties have adequate representation in an informal setting without having to go through protracted litigation. Having this extra level of support during such an emotionally trying time will also give you peace of mind. Knowing that your interests are being looked after every step of the way.

Make sure you’re on the same page as your spouse about what you want out of the divorce

Mediation is an important and positive way to ensure that you and your spouse are both on the same page. It allows both of you to express what your individual desires are in a neutral, supportive setting. This can make all the difference in making sure that the terms of the divorce are fair for everyone involved. Taking advantage of counseling or other therapeutic methods may also be beneficial. These help clarify each person’s needs so all parties involved are clear about how they want their life afterwards to look. Focusing on communication and mutual understanding is key during this difficult process. Mediation is a great way to get started down this path.

Come to an agreement about who will get custody of the children, if any

Mediation is a great way to come to a custody agreement that works for everyone involved, especially the children. Mediation can help couples explore all of their options without feeling like either party has to fight for what they want. Mediators are experienced professionals often used in family law proceedings and are able to handle delicate issues with patience and understanding. Mediation is not only a less costly option than going to court, but it also allows both parties to negotiate based on what’s best for any children involved in the situation. Both parents should approach it as an opportunity to work together on something that will ultimately benefit their children.

Work out a financial settlement that is fair to both parties

Working out a financial settlement that is fair to both parties can often be an incredibly difficult and sensitive process. That’s why mediation can be so valuable in this situation: having a third party present to uncover the facts of the situation and reach an agreement that suits everyone can help alleviate the tension and make sure that everyone receives what they need or feel is fair. It’s important to approach mediation with an open mind. You may find that solutions you hadn’t thought of could be beneficial to both parties. Remain patient, flexible and caring during mediation. It’s more likely that everyone involved in the situation will come out with a settlement that is satisfactory for all.

Don’t badmouth your ex to your friends or family members – it will only make things worse

Divorce can be extremely difficult, and it’s tempting to badmouth your ex to your friends or family members. But this only serves to keep the tension alive and potentially cause more hurt feelings down the line. Instead of airing out your grievances, try focusing on all the positive points from the relationship. Even if it ended in divorce, there may still have been some good moments that you can remember fondly. Additionally, by not engaging with negative comments about your ex, you’ll show everyone – including yourself – that you are strong enough to move on in a dignified manner.

Try to remain civil with your ex during the divorce proceedings, for everyone’s sake

Going through divorce is never easy, no matter the circumstances. It can be even harder than usual when you have to interact with your ex during divorce proceedings. Although it may feel like a challenge, it’s important to put your differences aside and remain civil with your ex for the sake of yourself, them and everyone who may be affected by the divorce. If grudges are harbored or arguments flare up, divorce proceedings drag on and everyone suffers through a more difficult and lengthy process. Find what works for you to stay grounded and steady in order to keep emotional action within healthy limits. Try focusing on resolving issues instead of trying to win a battle – it makes for an easier situation and a better outcome for all parties involved.

The divorce process doesn’t have to be ugly and full of acrimony. If you’re able to work with your spouse to come to a mutual agreement about the terms of the divorce, it can actually be quite amicable. Hiring a mediator who specializes in divorce law is a great first step, as they will be able to guide you through the process and help ensure that everything is fair. Additionally, trying to maintain a civil relationship with your ex will make things much easier for everyone involved – especially if there are children involved. If you’re interested in learning more about how Divorce Mediation can help you and your family during this difficult time, please don’t hesitate to contact us today.